Rosa's Thai Doily Graphic Rosa's Thai Doily Graphic

Thai Iced tea


20 mins

Super Easy

It’s not a proper Thai meal without this famous iced tea! This recipe is perfect for when you want to make a drink for a dinner party. You can pre-make the tea and keep in the fridge for up to seven days. Make it a boozy one by adding a shot of rum!




  • Thai tea mix

  • Water

  • Sugar

  • Lemon Iced Tea: lime juice + a wedge of lime

  • Milk Iced Tea: milk or plant-based milk

  • Rum Iced Tea: rum of your choice + lime or lemon juice + a wedge of lime or lemon


  1. Add room temperature water to a saucepan
  2. Add sugar as per packet instructions, reduce amount if preferred a less sweet version
  3. Bring the water to a furious boil before adding the tea mix
  4. Stir well and leave to simmer for 5 minutes
  5. Strain the tea through a filter and leave to cool to room temperature
  6. Serve as Black iced tea or with lemon, with milk, or with rum!
  7. Store in a airtight container for up to seven days before serving


